LCDGC Meeting Minutes - 2/01/21
Additional Attendees : Eric Hess, Ed Anderson, Alex Swavely
1) Call Meeting to Order at 7:30
i) 1st Travis
ii) 2nd Shawn
2) Finance Report by Scott
i) Balance – $12,738.83
(a) Checking – $11,480,95
(b) Paypal – $1,257.88
ii) We are now using Moneyminder. Scott gave demo
(a) Purchased Pro edition ($198.45 / year)
(b) Budgeting is available
1. Akron tee pads has $6,592.00 in the budget.
2. General Fund has $5,134.00
3. Ace pot funds $652.00 projecting additional $950.00 (19 Aces for payout) from league funds
4. Park Maintenance budget is estimated $815.00 from league rounds
5. PDGA Fee budget estimated is $500 from leagues numbers
6. Memberships budget based on 75 members $1875.00 (Swag purchased $698)
(c) Expense records can save receipts right on the transaction for proff
(d) Membership Tracking
1. Customer Fields can be added
2. Track who paid each year
3. Carries members over year by year
iii) Over the coming months we will be massaging the budget values has we learn more.
3) Old Business
i) Overlook Update
(a) A couple holes were moved around the library
(b) PA1 call was made
(c) Leagues and Tournament cost to the park isn’t set but may be like Buch.
ii) Fairview Update
(a) Rec center is going to vote on Wednesday … Going to be Yes
(b) Commissioners will then vote… Feeling this will pass too. (Couple days after meeting this got fully approved)
(c) The 9 hole at Rec Center won’t be done right away. Looking like Summer Time
iii) Membership & Website Update (Ian & Travis)
(a) Many pages on the website have been updated
(b) Membership page now has a signup form and can pay your membership through paypal.
(c) Swag this year is custom logo whale sacs
(d) Q2 Meeting will be sent to 2021 members, So become a member today.
iv) Review League Schedule
(a) Handicap at Buch on Tuesday’s (24 weeks)
1. April 13 to Sep. 15
(b) PDGA Singles at Akron on Thursday’s (Two 8 week leagues)
1. May 6 to June 24
2. July 1 to Aug 19
(c) PDGA Singles at Shiprock on Tuesday’s (10 week league)
1. June 1 to Aug 3
(d) We will probably start with a flex start at leagues.
4) New Business
i) Tags
(a) No club tags this year. Decker’s tags will still be in play
(b) Next year we may go back to include tags with membership
(c) Ryan is going to design Norse Gods tag for 2022
(d) Eric is going to help Decker sell his leftover tags.
ii) Ace Pot Funds
(a) Only used for Ace Pot
(b) Ways to get ace pot out to Players
1. Special Ace Nights
2. EOY Ace Race at Buch
3. EOY Party to empty out funds.
5) Open Floor
i) Buchmiller
(a) Graffiti/stickers on signs going to try and clean them up
(b) Discuss upgrade tee signs with park
(c) Discuss updates of basket (adding/moving baskets)
Current Board Members
Travis Dombach- President, Attended
Shawn Conroy - Vice President, Attended
Scott Moyer - Treasurer, Attended
Wes Moyer - Secretary, Attended
Bill Geibel - Committee Chairman, Attended
Arron Howard - Communications Director, Attended
Ian Maffett - Member at Large, Attended
Jerry Dyson - Member at Large, Attended
Derrick Diffenderfer - Member at Large, Attended
T.J. Linton - Member at Large, Attended