DD AM Match Play Doubles
The people have spoken! LAFS will be running a Dynamic Discs Amateur Match Play Doubles event. This will not be a one day event. Do not confuse this with the Lancaster Team Match Play event recently announced. That is a one day draft based event on August 10. This will be an ongoing week to week match play event sponsored by Dynamic Discs similar the singles one run the past two years. It will take place over the entire month of August. Each week you and your partner will be given an opponent. You may play your match at any time at any course that both teams agree on during the assigned week. Current PDGA members rated 969 or non-PDGA members who were never 970 or above qualify for this event. Cost is $80 per team; each player will receive a Biofuzion Raider and Gold Burst Pioneer as part of a player pack. Registration is on Udisc.
Match Play scoring is very different from traditional scoring and involves getting points for winning a hole as opposed to your specific score on that hole. For more details about the rules of match play visit the Dynamic Discs Match Play site. http://discgolfmatchplay.com/player-info-doubles/ A key difference between the singles and doubles bracket is that you only need to win a local qualifier to earn a ticket to play in the finals against teams from around the country at Emporia Kansas.
Awards for Local Qualifying Bracket
1st Place – DyeMax Trophy Discs + $250 dynamicdiscs.com credit per team
2nd Place – DyeMax Trophy Junior Discs + $150 dynamicdiscs.com credit per team
3rd Place – DyeMax Trophy Mini Discs + $100 dynamicdiscs.com store credit per team
Visit UDisc for up-to-date bracket results from all over North America!
Awards for Championship Bracket in Emporia
1st Place – $4,000 dynamicdiscs.com credit per team
2nd Place – $2,000 dynamicdiscs.com credit per team
3rd Place – $1,000 dynamicdiscs.com credit per team
4th Place – $500 dynamicdiscs.com credit per team